Dear Colleagues,
As we enter the festive season, we start looking at the end of another year. 2018 has been a milestone year from many perspectives, foremost being the first full year for the expanded Thomas Cook India Group Family, that stretches across four continents qualifying us to be a “Transnational Group”.
A second important milestone has been the commitment towards inducting new technology across the Group in preparation for the digital age that will transform all our businesses and make it a necessary ingredient for our success in the years to come. A third important milestone is the commencement of a transformation exercise in the B2C businesses across Thomas Cook and SOTC, moving from being a service driven business to being a provider of experiences in the Travel industry. This will not only help us sustain and grow our businesses, but will also provide us with the opportunity to disrupt our competitors. All these milestones will not only change the way we do business, but also make Technology the center stage for our future.
I am sure most of you are aware of many of the initiatives that the Companies in the Group are undertaking under the guidance of the respective MDs / CEOs. I am also sure that you will participate in one of these initiatives, and I request you to view these from a futuristic perspective rather then what is needed immediately. I also would like to urge you to volunteer your participation in your company to enable you to experience the change personally.
Let me take this opportunity to wish you and your family for the Festive Season. A Happy New Year to everyone, and a Prosperous 2019.