From the Chairman

After thirty-five long years, and approximately 130 issues, of the TIDINGS, we say goodbye to the title that has come to represent the Heart and Soul of the Organisation, and reflective of all the history and changes that the organisation has been through during those 35 years. The expansion of the family at the end of 2015, with the arrival of Kuoni Hong Kong, Kuoni India and Luxe Asia, got us thinking about how we could make the magazine more reflective of the extended family, the multinational nature of the Group, and the expanded footprint.

Abraham Alapatt and his team along with Zarine started a process to identify a new name. They launched a contest across the group and finally chose the name “PULSE”. As the name suggests, the magazine will attempt to reflect the very pulse of the organisation… the heart-beat of our companies… what makes each one tick!

For those who find it difficult to part with the “TIDINGS”, you will draw comfort from the fact that Zarine Wadia will continue to edit the magazine as she has done since its inception 35 years ago. I will use this opportunity to specially thank Zarine for all her patience and unflagging enthusiasm in getting each issue out while managing her family that has grown from her small children, to her grandchildren!

As the TIDINGS evolved over the years, I expect that PULSE too will evolve. For this I do request your support through contributions as well as feedback on the content.

I hope you will enjoy reading the first edition of PULSE.

Best Wishes,


Madhavan Menon
