Thomas Cook India Bags the Silver for the DMS Project

DMSThe Annual Quality Fest awards hosted by Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) are aimed at celebrating excellence in projects being implemented by various stakeholders.

 It is a special honour that Thomas Cook’s “DMS (Document Management System) Project” was awarded Silver.

 The DMS project is a perfect example of team collaboration.  IT and Foreign Exchange teams worked exceptionally well to deliver a successful project smoothly and in record time. 

 The winning team comprised of Sushil Mankar, Jagdish Patil and Hardik Supekar from the IT team and Sudhir Nair, Ankit Gupta and Jayesh Joshi from the Foreign Exchange Team. Together they diligently worked to deploy the application at various TCIL Branches, Gold Circle Partners (Franchise), and Airport counters across the country. 

Many congratulations Team! Look forward to more such accolades!



