Reshma Shivalkar and her team put together a unique product, targeting the most recent and emerging segment of travellers – mothers and mothers-to-be. The FIT products team felt that India’s Mommy travellers should be pampered and taken care of. So they created unusual personalized packages to cater to their needs. Appropriately, 14th May– Mother’s Day, was chosen to launch the two new, innovative products – “Mothers Only” and “Babymoon” packages. Exclusive activities gave the holiday a distinctive touch. How about shopping with a personal stylist in tow? Or relaxing with rejuvenating spa-wellness programmes?
The product, continuing through June and July, is available at popular short-haul destinations like Singapore, Dubai (including a stay in the resort destination of Ras-Al-Khaimah), Thailand, Sri Lanka, Oman, Maldives and Mauritius. These specially curated holiday packages incorporate a diverse spectrum of choices for women travellers like an all-girls BFF, mother-daughter itineraries or kitty party fun tours. They include fun experiences like learning the ancient Thai martial art of Muay Tai (kick boxing), sampling delicious global cuisine while learning to cook it, local cultural tours or experiencing the adrenalin rush of dive-sail-snorkeling in the Maldives, and shopping and desert adventures in Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah.
For an unforgettable Mother’s Day celebration, the FIT products team included special shopping and spa vouchers, along with a complimentary massage for mothers in Thailand, Mauritius and Sri Lanka. Women travellers also have the option to avail of a complimentary upgrade to an exclusive Four-star resort. The Babymoon packages offer mums-to-be the opportunity of a special photo-shoot in the Maldives and complimentary foot massages in Oman and Thailand.
To create an awareness of these unusual holidays, a press release was disseminated on the day of the launch, May 5th, to the Bombay Stock Exchange, as well as to media publications PAN India, announcing the packages. The results were quite outstanding and there was extensive coverage in The Economic Times, Business Standard, Hindu Business Line, Outlook India, DNA, India Today, India Infoline and Tourism Breaking News.