Celebrating Birthdays and Spreading Good Wishes

Did you  know that with each year you add on your age, you not only age, but also become  smarter and wiser? At Private Safaris (EA), we believe that we are no exception to this reality. With each individual’s birthday we celebrate, it’s an opportunity to elevate our brand, Private Safaris (EA), to greater heights, and much like the giraffe in the picture above, we  tower above the clouds, standing out among the crowds!

Alex Spiro, the CEO, Private Safaris (EA) enjoying his birthday cake at the Nairobi office.

Sending out Birthday wishes to  Mathenge, to Charles, Ogechi, and Alex our CEO! May strength, wisdom and happiness be yours always. Many happy returns!

November Birthday Babies From left: Mathenge – PSL Star Driver guide;  Charles – Database Department;  Jackline – Sales Department, and Alex – PSL CEO.