Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

EAP Poster 2017We value our people as one of the most important assets of our Company, and strive to build a happy, healthy and productive workforce by offering support to them in leading them towards a  positive work/personal life. balance.  In todays fast pacing economies like Hong Kong, many employees suffer from stress or strain whether from personal, family or work reasons.  With the aim of cultivating a positive caring environment, we have recently partnered with an external consultancy to provide EAP (Employee Assistance Program) services to our employees as well as their immediate family members.  The EAP services include professional and personal consultation and counseling, employee development and training, management consultation as well as critical incidents stress management.

The EAP was launched in May this year with employee briefing sessions delivered by the consultant introducing the service, and at the same time providing useful tips in stress management.  The promotion of staff wellness and work-life balance is continuing through health talks, personal development workshops, internal circulation of useful tips on various themes such as physical & mental health, interpersonal relationships, parenting, happy marriage, etc., which aims at empowering our employees with all sorts of information and guidance, that will help them to face all situations with confidence and a calm demeanour.

Below are some moments captured at the training workshops and health talks.

The Power of Positve Thinking Workshop helps to develop positive thinking as an ingrained habit and foster a healthier and happier life.
The Power of Positive Thinking Workshop helps to develop positive thinking as an ingrained habit , and fosters a healthier,  happier life.


