E-Biz Does it Again! Gee Whizz!

Brings home the award for Creativity & Successful Use of Technology in Data Driven Marketing at the 8th Global Customer Engagement Forum & Awards

WhatsApp Image 2019-04-26 at 11.16.45 AM

  WhatsApp Image 2019-04-26 at 11.16.06 AM    A stellar performance by the E-Biz team, leading them to win yet another award- this time at the 8th Global Customer Engagement Forum & Awards (an initiative by Global ACEF- Asian Customer Engagement Forum). The award was won for “Creativity & Successful Use of Technology in Data Driven Marketing”.

This initiative towards marketing automation with focus on customized communications commenced last year, and we are already seeing significant impact via increased leads and conversions.

Well done Team E-Biz with a shout out out to Farshid Master and Ankit Narula for all their effort. You guys are way up there!

