There was an air of excitement and anticipation on the 11th floor of Marathon Futurex-Mumbai on 25th November 2016. Desks were tidied, offices spruced up, staff dressed smarter than usual!
Our Big Boss, Prem Watsa, Chairman, Founder & CEO @ Fairfax Financial Holdings was on a flying visit to Mumbai on work, but despite his busy schedule, he still had time to come and see us at TCIL. Needless to say, we were delighted! And we showed it by welcoming him with a ‘tikka’ and a lamp—symbolic of the warmth and glow the staff in the Mumbai office felt at seeing him.
After meeting the Execom and greeting the Heads in their cabins, Prem, accompanied by our Chairman Madhavan, strolled out on to the main floor to meet the staff. Affable and courteous as ever, he stopped by the desks, chatting with as many staff as he could in the limited time. Congenial and amiable, Prem put everyone at ease by talking to each individual with a genuine interest in the person. Before we knew it he was whisked away to another meeting, leaving behind him a feeling of graciousness and cordiality. Is it any wonder the staff feel an affection for the man who is so aptly named “Prem”!
Here are a few moments captured that day….