A Gateway to Learning and Development

Gateway to learning...

The Learning and Development Team at SOTC covered over 12 cities per month with innovative behavioural and skill- based training.  Managers were encouraged to nominate their team members and choose from an array of training programmes available.

Some of the training modules included Adapting to Change, Young Managers Program, Art of Communication, Customer First, Smart Hire Workshop etc.

Gateway to learning and developmentA new training initiative called Learning Shots was introduced at SOTC. It was the first of its kind 2 hour learning capsule that allowed staff to attend training with the least disruption to their work. Excellent for the  busy times of the year, Learning Shots was first introduced in July with a 2 hour capsule on Respect. It was so well received that Learning Shots programmes have been conducted at various Mumbai and Bangalore offices covering topics such as Feedback, Managing Time and Managing Change.

Fraud Risk Management (FRM) training for all Key Managers of SOTC also took place in Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Gurugram.  The training took up a strong anti-fraud stance backed by a proactive, comprehensive approach to combating fraud. To attest to the serious nature of the training, attendance for this programme was made compulsory and participants were requested to sign a declaration to be filed in their personnel files after completing the training.

Young Managers program_Training

